Drumming your sanity away

Book cover The Tin Drum (El Tambor De Hojalata) by Günter Grass
Friendship Edition.

The Tin Drum (El Tambor De Hojalata) by Günter Grass. 

This book was a gift from a friend from college whom I lost track since then, I loved him very much and is the one thing I have from him. That is an experience you don´t get with ebooks, I think they are great, not my taste though. 

This is a very dear book then for a couple of reasons: we were young and a bit of outsiders ourselves, how we could not love something like this? 

It has Oskar, the ultimate unreliable narrator, amoral and terrible, a genius and a criminal. I always thought funny that after he says he is in a mental asylum, there are some facts that are stated: that he was born with a developed adult mind and that he decided not to grow at age three and thus, didn't grow. And must blurbs state that, I am not saying it is not true,  but it is just marvelous how many paths can take you from the truth or a fact to the perception of that fact, and so this is a book that has many readings, a fantastic journey, a political allegory, a social one, a fabrication of a delusional mind or everything at the same time. What makes us believe something? what make us find charming a most unpleasant person? when do we give in an absurd setting like that? I am talking both about the book and the story in the book. 

There is so much food for thought in this book.


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