No going back anymore

Book covers of Gardens of the Moon (Los jardines de la luna) by Steven Erikson
My savings are doomed. English and Spanish Edition.

Gardens of the Moon (Los jardines de la luna) by Steven Erikson.

Ohhhh. I never thought I could be so excited about a book series like this one. I am not a systematic reader, more an opportunistic one: found it in a bookstore, looked at some reviews and bought it afterwards, no big deal. Didn’t had a clue!

I was amused to see in the unapologetic foreword that the quitting point was about a third of the book, you left it there or forever stay, that’s ballsy , and pretty soon you see why, the narrative is a bit demanding of the reader, it´s confusing, there are a lot of characters (I was a naïve noob then!), the scope is big (idem!) but in no time you are hooked, utterly engrossed. I was amazed by the setting, the Malazan Universe is huge, so rich and detailed that it becomes this monstrous endeavor and a very successful one, there is so much love and work invested in here. Erikson is also a masterful craftsman of characters, you can see the first steps in here.

A little detail, I liked the Spanish translation a lot, it was a pleasure, kudos to the translator!

Beyond the confusion, the details not explained at the moment, it is worthy… you will be rewarded thoroughly, this is just the beginning to an amazing journey.


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