The habit of protecting yourself

Book cover of  The Pigeon (La paloma) by Patrick Süskind
Pixels are creepy too.

The Pigeon (La paloma) by Patrick Süskind

Oh, this novella is one of my favorites. It is such a brilliant and insightful narration.

A day in the life of a tightly self-contained person, he has his reasons of course and constantly goes on a path that was built for his protection, because who wants to be broken? But life catches up, a meaningless visitor arrives and hell breaks loose. In a seemly absurd escalation in his mind and his peaceful life, those boundaries become something else, like this simple story too, it turns into something deep and intense.

How we convince ourselves that everything is fine because we want to be fine? How long can we run till everything catches up with us? In the end, it is just what we do when it happens.

Just beautiful.


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