Would you care for a little mind blown?

Book cover of Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee
English Edition.

Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee.

It is certainly unique. At first you are thrown in the middle of something with puzzling concepts all around (the Calendrical system is a blast!), but little by little it begins to take form and the setting, characters and notions give way to a very original story. The worldbuilding is definitely clever and elaborate and I found fascinating the aspects of technology, reality, math, the military and society. I am a sucker for this kind of things, so I was wrapped in no time, maybe it could get frustrating to some readers, but it is definitely worth it.

Characterwise, it is very engaging, I am terribly fond of Kel Cheris, her interactions with Jedao and Jedao himself carry the plot brilliantly and the rest of the cast is also solid.

Overall, a very ambitious, demanding and creative work, there is a lot to wonder, be intrigued and to grasp, it just feeds the restless part of your brain that likes to chew on things.

I was left hungry for more and luckily there are two more books, this is going to my favorite pile.


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