Rot away my love


Book cover of Paradise Rot by Jenny Hval.
Cool cover.

Paradise Rot by Jenny Hval.

This is a book about Jo. About waking desire, ghosts, decay, need, isolation.

We travel along Jo as her perception tunes and sharpens, taking the world in, with all its viscous slippery presence and as reality shifts and blurs, Jo shifts too, being absorbed by desire and Carral, the brewery a cocoon where flesh, life, stories and thus, identity mesh.

Random mumbling.

More than decay, I think that it is about transformation, the tiny cycles of growth and life outside, mirroring the own, the moss of the apple as desire rippling the skin, as the house wrapping its inhabitants inside.

And then...

I could go on with this vague poking at the story, but rather than poking a ripe fruit, it is better to bite and taste. Not for everybody, this book is sweet and sickly, gross and beautiful. Go on, take a bite.


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