
Showing posts from December, 2020

Nasty clowns from another world… and within

Oh, deliver us from this anguish

The struggle of Indigo children

Guilt as a flavor, a mood

Nuns in space! There is no better tagline

The bratty face of nostalgia

A first novel on steroids

Would you care for a little mind blown?

Sluggish necromancers in space

Once I was lost

The point of an illustrated book is...

If you excuse me, I'll go hug myself now

A million hundred charming bad boy

Give me back my comfort zone

Sing it like Arcade Fire...

As cool and empty as my heart

Things that many don't want to explore

Drumming your sanity away

What about freezing cold?

Killing me softly

A masochistic journey

The elegance of logic, such a dandy

Welcome to corporate hell

Freud would approve

Sometimes the subway doesn't kill you

Oh, my (lamia) god!

Classics are forever

No going back anymore

A bigger world from a tiny book

The age of sex dolls is not over

Are we tired yet?

CEOs of the galaxy

The habit of protecting yourself

Vintage Sturgeon rocks!

A pattern of hips

The spirit of the 90s

The apocalypse is already here